Aysha E Arar, Homemade donkey, homemade oranges and homemade cages, what else? - حِمار محلي الصنع ،برتقال صناعة محلية وأقفاص محلية الصنع ، ماذا بعد؟ , 2023
Aysha E Arar, Love has reached the core and then spread mercilessly. Is this what is called the disease of passion? - قد وصل الحب إلى النخاع ثم انتشر بلا رحمة ، أهذا ما يسمى بمرض الهوى؟, 2023
Aysha E Arar, It was difficult to remain human despite all this, but I survived - كان من الصعب ان تظل انسانا رغم كل هذا لكنني نجوت , 2023
Aysha E Arar, Guernica, 2023
Aysha E Arar, He asked me where are you from? I said: Belle from the land of love and war - سألني من اين انتي ؟ فقلتُ حسناءُ من بلاد الحب والحرب , 2023
Aysha E Arar, Goose in love الاوز العاشق, 2023
Aysha E Arar, The Forty Rules of Love by Jalaluddin Rumi, 2023
Aysha E Arar, The gun was heavy on you, my brother, four bullets in your leg and the fifth in my heart - كان المسدس ثقيلة عليك يا أخي، أربع رصاصات في قدمِكَ والخامسة في قلبي, 2023
Aysha E Arar, oiseau rare
LibérationAlexandra Schwartzbrod, Libération , June 23, 2024 -
Picasso, Aysha E Arar, Jean Claracq iconophages
La RépubliquePatrick Scemama, La République , June 17, 2024 -
Aysha E Arar à la galerie sans titre et à Dvir Gallery, Paris
ZérodeuxGeorgia René-Worms, Zérodeux , June 4, 2024 -
Aysha E Arar: There was love, there was death, and there was you
The Art NewspaperPatrick Javault, The Art Newspaper , May 10, 2024