Thomas Hirschhorn: 20 ans Musée Précaire Albinet

City Stade, Aubervilliers, France
The Musée Précaire Albinet [Precarious Museum Albinet] is a work in the public space by Thomas Hirschhorn realized in 2004 at the invitation of the Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers. This temporary building was constructed at the foot of an apartment block in the Landy district of Aubervilliers. This museum presented, with the help of local residents, major works from the 20th-century Western art history, whose artists' ambition was to change the world.

Twenty years later, the artist and the Laboratoires organize an event on Saturday, September 21, 2024, to coincide with the Journées européennes du patrimoine [European Heritage Days]. A shelter will be set up in front of the Cité Albinet to welcome visitors from 10am to 10pm. On the program: speeches and open stage, exhibition, sketch, archive videos, free catalogs distribution, refreshments, food and music.

"The intention of the "20 years Musée Précaire Albinet" event is to assure—through celebration—that a "precarious" artwork in the public space can create and preserve a collective memory that lasts over time."—Thomas Hirschhorn, January 2024.
More information here
September 21st, 2024 — 10 a.m.
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