Art Basel in Miami Beach Diary: Naama Tsabar pulls some strings

The Art Newspaper

Safe space pushes artistic boundaries

One of the highlights this week on the Miami art circuit was the opening of the Gimme Shelter show at Historic Hampton House Museum of Culture & Art, at the city’s legendary Green Book hotel. An exhibition of works by artists such as Carrie Mae Weems and Charles Gaines draw on the ethos of the “iconic site as a safe space”, says a statement. The venue is steeped in history: Martin Luther King Jr. is believed to have practised his “I Have a Dream” speech for guests at the hotel’s poolside stage before delivering it to the world in Washington, DC in 1963. The collector Beth Rudin DeWoody co-curated the new exhibition with Zoe Lukov, Maynard Monrow and Laura Dvorkin. Lukov was on hand at the opening to demonstrate how to “play” a work by the artist Naama Tsabar—pinging the strings of a shattered instrument while laying gracefully prostrate. Brava.

Read the full article here 

December 9, 2023
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