Barak Ravitz : Green Through and Through

Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Dvir gallery is delighted to share the participation of Barak Ravitz in a group show ' Green Through and Through' at Tel Aviv Museum of Art 
This site-specific exhibition presented in the art pavilion overlooking Gan Yaakov (Yaakov Garden). As plants are brought inside to be grown at home, the exhibition draws contemporary works of art from Israel and abroad into its space, works that evoke features of gardens and parks.
Anyone who cultivates plants encounters growth and decline on a daily basis. This eternal life cycle of appearance and disappearance is the rhythm that the exhibition seeks to elicit. As in artistic practice, attention and intimate proximity strengthen plants, which, in turn, repay us with their own restorative powers, inspiring beauty and infusing hope. That is why we grow plants in our living spaces, in the spaces of our lives. Like art, gardens generate another space of beauty, respite, and projection of ideas and symbols. In these days of turmoil and apprehension, the exhibition seeks to offer comfort and healing by enveloping visitors in a naturally-lit art space that echoes the beauty of garden elements and voices a complex emotional tone.

The exhibition is on view thorough October ​26, 2024
More information here 
April 13, 2024​ -​ October 26, 2024
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