Miroslaw Balka : Alchimie de la rencontre. Works from the Lambert Collection

Lambert Collection (Avignon)
Dvir Gallery is delighted to share Miroslaw Balka's participation at the group show Alchimie de la rencontre. Works from the Lambert Collection in Avignon. 

The generation of pioneers championed by Yvon Lambert (conceptual artists, minimalists, land artists, attitudinal artists) will be summoned through the reactivation of the protocol devised by John Cage in 1993 - Rolywholyover A Circus. More than 60 works from the 1960s and 1970s will be permanently reinstalled in public, following the precise instructions of software designed specifically for the exhibition. By thwarting the usual conventions of the institution, this hanging protocol invites perpetual renewal and reveals, behind the repetition of the installers' everyday gestures, all the poetry of these delicate manipulations which, by harmonising with the works and the rules of display in a museum, create a new kind of ballet.


More information here 
June 23, 2024 – January 5, 2025
of 109