Frieze magazine on artist David Maljković

KATE SUTTON, Frieze Magazine, February 20, 2017
In the first instalment of David Maljković’s breakout film trilogy, Scene for a New Heritage (2004–06), a trio of ‘heritage-seekers’ in the year 2045 attempt to make sense of sculptor Vojin Bakić’s scalloped, steel-panelled monument in the Croatian mountains of Petrova Gora. Commissioned in 1970 as part of the wave of spomeniks (modernist monuments designed to bolster Yugoslavia’s future by streamlining its past), Bakić’s structure commemorated a group of Serbian peasants who took up their pitchforks against the fascist-sympathizing Ustaše militia during World War II. Armed only with their formal analysis of this political abstraction, Maljković’s visitors glean nothing of the spomenik’s message, and instead assign to the object an entirely new significance.
Read the full article here