“I don’t want to lie” | Thomas Hirschhorn, Gladstone Gallery, New York

Luciana Fabbri, ATP DIARY, February 14, 2024
These days we are constantly flooded by images of violence, that invade us in the comfort of our homes through our laptops, phone and television. But what kind of art should be done in moments of darkness and desperation? How to make art in times of war, destruction, violence, anger, hate, resentment? How to continue working – as an artist – and in doing so, avoid falling into the traps of facts, journalisms and comment? These are the introductory questions Thomas Hirschhorn raises in the exhibition Fake it, Fake it – till you Fake it, on view at Gladstone Gallery until March 2.

As you walk into Hirschhorn’s show, you are immersed in an office-like environment: rows of desks, laptops with screens of various dimensions, charging station with multiple iPads or iPhones attached through visible cords. Everything is made out of three main materials: cardboard, styrofoam and tape. All the screens include printed images of ruins, soldiers with guns, explosions and collapsed buildings. There is a strong feeling of precarity and we are not fully conscious of what is happening. Are these images taken from reality or are they game-based simulations?

Read the full article here