Miri Segal inserts a virtual life into Dvir Gallery

Tali Kohen-Garbuz, YNET, May 3, 2007
One cannot stay indifferent to Miri Segal's new installation at Dvir Gallery. In an elegant and precise way, it pushes the boundary of plastic art to the fourth dimension, and from there it brings up questions which are difficult to measure concerning the Real, such as love.

Segal, a mathematician in the past and a highly appreciated video artist in the present, takes into account the viewer as a subject who should be engrossed in the work, with all the senses and intelligence he or she can come up with.  Second Life, an online multi-participants game exists already for a few years. Participants can create a self image according to their choice and are free to move between spaces. In fact, they are to do anything..., almost. The space is inhabited by familiar participants as well as newcomers, each of which designs his avatar (i.e. His character). A participant can enter a casino, walk in a field of flowers, or join (like Segal) a discussion around a campfire were philosophers meet. One can also create new spaces in Second Life according to his/her imagination; there is a Second life currency with a change rate to the USD and the sex and gambling economies.