Crystal Night is a body of work composed of newspaper’s photographs and mirrors, documenting the infamous Kristallnacht, that happened during the night of 9–10 November 1938 in Berlin, in which...
Crystal Night is a body of work composed of newspaper’s photographs and mirrors, documenting the infamous Kristallnacht, that happened during the night of 9–10 November 1938 in Berlin, in which local Jewish businesses storefronts where shattered by the Nazi regime, we now know this spontaneous burst of action was actually planned in advanced. The otherwise cold image, only associated with history is reenacted in the form of action. The mirrors function in two manners, recreating the sensation of broken glass and reimposing by placing us, the viewers, inside the historical event. The delicate ability of Ariel Schlesinger to create and to touch such charged historical matters, in the simplest of gesture remains unique and in the heart of his practice.