Miroslaw Balka, Hölderlin Hölderlin, 2017
Miroslaw Balka, Hölderlin Hölderlin upside down, 2017
Miroslaw Balka, Up to my eyes level / talked into blindness, 2017
Yossi Breger, Love Conquers All (detail from Amor Vincit Omnia, Caravaggio, Rome, 1601-1602), Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, 2011
Yossi Breger, Potatoes on Newspapers, Pesch, Eifel, Germany, 2007
Thomas Hirschhorn, Pixel-Collage nº50, 2016
Adel Abdessemed, Ken, 2000
Adel Abdessemed, Mémoire du vent, 2017
Bat Sheva Ross, Dirty Mind, 2017
Moshe Ninio, Sight I and Sight III, 2016
Mircea Cantor, Don't judge, filter, shoot, 2012
Ryan Gander, Felix provides a stage # 3 — (Eleven sketches for ‘A sheet of paper on which I was about to draw, as it slipped from my table and fell to the floor’), 2008
Barak Ravitz, Untitled, 2017
Annette Messager, The quarrel and the two snails, 2017
Jan Rauchwerger, Untitled, 2001
David Maljkovic, Untitled, 2012
Dvir / Paris
Gallery Hours
Tuesday – Thursday: 11:00 – 19:00
Friday – Saturday: 12:00 – 19:00