Je Tu Il Elle: Adel Abdessemed, Miroslaw Balka, Latifa Echakhch
Adel Abdessemed, Citizen, 2015
Miroslaw Balka, 146 x 38 x 38, 2015
Latifa Echakhch, Untitled (and I ate a lot of powdered sugar), 2016
Adel Abdessemed, Le journal de mon père, 2015
Adel Abdessemed, Chicos, 2015
Miroslaw Balka, Legs, hands and sex/man, 1993
Miroslaw Balka, And skull, 1993
Miroslaw Balka, Armpit, 1993
Miroslaw Balka, Table, stool and hole, 1993
Miroslaw Balka, Bone, 1993
Miroslaw Balka, Shelf and skulls, 1993
Miroslaw Balka, Legs, hands and sex/woman, 1993
Miroslaw Balka, Legs holders, 1993
Miroslaw Balka, 34 x 34 x 27, 2007
Latifa Echakhch, Untitled (I'm hungry), 2016