Great Hits: Shai-Lee Horodi

At the heart of the exhibition stands an interactive piece titled “Great Hits”. Great Hits is made of a collection of eight songs composed and recorded by the artist accompanied by videos. Both the songs and the videos are affected by the sounds that the viewer makes into a microphone positioned in front of the screen. When the microphone gets no input the viewer hears only one of the various sound channels that make up the song. The viewer’s voice opens up the rest of the sound channels so that they could hear the song in full. But while the viewer's voice allows them to hear the song in full it also acts as an obstacle, for the viewers must hear themselves, must have their own voice fused into the song if they wish to hear it. The act of viewing and listening turns explicitly and physically active and the viewer is forced to address the relativity of their viewpoint, manifested in the uniqueness of their voice.
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